Toys R Us: Free Topps Attax Game Day Today

I’m not gonna lie. I have no idea what Topps Attax is. I’m lucky I know that Topps makes baseball cards. After that, I’m kinda spent.

But I do know that Topps tweeted — and my friend retweeted — that if you bring your kiddies down to Toys R Us between noon and 3 p.m. today [[April 10]], you can get a pack of Topps Attax cards for free … and they can play. What they’re playing is beyond me, but if any of this post has made sense to you, you should probably head down to Toys R Us.

Freebie Friday: M&M’s, Toothpaste, And More

Lent is finally over … which means I’ve been eating more than my fair share of chocolate. So, of course, this is the week there’s a free sample of chocolate. Did I turn it down? No. I’m not one to turn down free chocolate, that’s for sure.


Pretzel M&M’s

Burt’s Bees Toothpaste

Parent’s Choice Formula

Ring from ShopText

Free Easter e-Book

MLB Fan Packs



Dial Body Wash

GE CFL Multi-Pack

Ninety Nine: Sox Win, Kids Eat

My friend Susan is a Yankees fan [[boo, hiss!]]. I grew up a Mets fan, but I didn’t follow teams or anything like that. I’d go to games, and if the Mets won that day, that was good enough for me. I didn’t care if that one win made the teams’ record 1-82.

Susan wanted me to get into baseball, so I told her I would … as long as I could root for the Red Sox. What’s the fun of sports without a rivalry?

Wouldn’t you know, that was the year the Red Sox broke the curse.

Since then, I like baseball a little more, and the Red Sox still have a spot in my heart. I root for them to win … and if you live close to a Ninety Nine Restaurant, you should too. See, Kristen from Frugality in the Making let me know that kids eat free at Ninety Nine the day after every Sox win [[the restaurant confirmed this on its Facebook page, by the way]]. This sounds like a great way to enjoy dinner out with the family … and cut the bill in half.

Free Sample: MLB Fan Packs

If you’ve got a baseball fan in your house, you’re gonna wanna thank Kristi at Spend Less and Save More.


Because she emailed me today with a list of email address for Major League Baseball teams. If you contact through the address, you should be able to get a free baseball fan pack. Her Red Sox pack came with two bag of dirt from Fenway, a Red Sox Calendar, a Sticker, and a photo of a player.

I’m hoping that if I email nicely, the Mets, they’ll send me a picture of Daniel Murphy. If you’ve got a favorite team, check out Kristi’s list below.

  • New York Mets
  • Boston Red Sox
  • Seattle Mariners
  • New York Yankees
  • Milwaukee Brewers
  • Los Angeles Angels
  • Houston Astros
  • Atlanta Braves
  • Chicago White Sox
  • Pittsburgh Pirates
  • Baltimore Orioles
  • Philadelphia Phillies
  • Los Angeles Dodgers
  • Arizona Diamondbacks
  • Cincinnati Reds
  • Cleveland Indians
  • Toronto Blue Jays