Coupons Equal Cash Joins The Supermarket Social

I just finished watching the longest baseball game I’ve ever seen. Ever. Like I said on Twitter, thank goodness the Mets won. If not, I’d feel like I totally wasted my day.

So, now that it’s way past my bedtime, I’m checking the blog. And totally realizing that for whatever reason, my post about Lesa at Coupons Equal Cash joining the Supermarket Social never posted.


Totally sorry about that. To Lesa, and to you guys. Because you’re totally gonna benefit from her joining the Social. She’s bringing her Meijer deals to the Social, which are a little different than the deals we already post, so it’ll be great for those of you who have a Meijer around.

And be sure to check out her blog. She’s got a bunch of great deals that you definitely wanna check out. Be sure to welcome her to the Social both here and at her blog. We’re thrilled to have her.

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